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On June 14th Lodge No. 5 held it's first First Responders BBQ under the direction of Brother Larry Endicott.  The lodge members
prepared hot dogs, hamburgers, bratwurst, along with potato salad, cole slaw, bread, and condiments.  Plates were made up and
delivered by memberrs to Fire Departments, Police Departments plus we had a few walk-ins. It was well received so much so that
the Lodge is sponsoring another First Responders BBQ in October.  Watch the Link-N-Lines for updates.

Another Fun Bowling Tournament is scheduled for July 14th at Sunset Lanes on Watson Road.  Check-in will be at 12:30 P.M.
with practice starting at 12:50 P.M.  The actual tournament will start at 1:00 P.M.  This is a four-game, 9-pin format.

The second Safety Coffee Break of 2024 will be on July 4th at the Bloomsdale Rest Stop.  The final Safety Coffee Break will be on
Labor Day.  There has been some discussion on changing the location for 2025.

In August the Lodge will have the annual banquet.  Watch the Link-N-Lines for details and ticket requests.

The 2024 Grand Lodge Session is now history.  Brother C. Ray White is Grand Master, Les Houston is Deputy Grand Master,
Robert Mayer Sr. is Grand Warden, Thoms Moser is the Grand Chaplain, Pamela Whisenhunt is the Grand Herald.
Sad to report that Past Grand Master Charles Watson passed away on June 25th.  He served three-years as Grand Master from
2017 to 2019 while confined to a wheel chair.  He will be missed by many. 

Lodge No. 5 welcomed three new members, Johnathan Sparks, Jerry Tooley, and Ron Hicks.  We have another candidate awaiting
initiation.  We need new members, no experience needed, just ask someone to join. 

Graduating from college receiving grants from the Robertson Scholarship Program; Benjamin Oliver, Katelyn Rayfield, Natalie
Sweesy, Anton Tajkowski, and Collin Wobbe.  We wish all a success.  Program administartor is Fran Lavar. 
"St. Louis Lodge No. 5"